Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Reflection on last project

At the beginning of this Final Major Project we have to reflect on the last project we did. I followed a Folio Society competition and created 3 interior illustrations for The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter along with a rough for the binding.

Whilst doing my last project I really enjoyed the last few weeks when everything came together after freaking out about how all 3 pieces would link or fit together. I ended up realising that the running theme in much of the work and in the literature was theatricality and, that, ultimately linked the illustrations together. I had a 'performance' idea for the Puss-In-Boots illustration where the cat performs a triple somersault and angle to image so the viewer was looking up. The light and shadows also made it look dramatic and theatrical. The mask idea I had for The Company of Wolves image was the first indication of making something that wasn't literal. I couldn't see how to make all 3 images link together; if they were all masks how would the other two stories that don't involve the idea of metamorphosis or disguise work, or what could the other images be that wouldn't be so distant to the Company of Wolves idea.
I pulled them together with the way of creating them; using lighting and shadow with photography and paper craft.  I also used a mirror reflection for the Bloody Chamber image (shaped by a keyhole cut-out). And for the most part I was happy with the outcomes. I wish I had given myself more time to experiment a little with the photography and in hindsight with The Company of Wolves and Bloody Chamber images I could have benefited from help with photographing.

(All above images are my own)

After I had handed the pieces in to the folio society competition I spent a little time before the hand in deadline progressing on The Company of Wolves image that didn't quite communicate how it was meant to. I made 3D masks which when photographed similarly to the original image would have communicated better (well in theory).

(above image and model is my own)

But from the last project I found that I really enjoyed the creating of these 'stages' or set ups. I also really enjoyed the making side; especially the masks and what they did or could represent. I found the way of working brought out the meaning of and complimented the style of the text really well and I was pleased with that. I want to further this interest with my final major project.

About Me

I'm Hannah, I'm currently a 3rd year university student studying Illustration at Southampton Solent University. I started here in 2009 and am soon to finish in June of this year.

This blog is to go alongside my final major project detailing my journey from conception to final realisation in a 'presentation document'. 

I work with a variety of materials; paper cutting, photography, watercolour and drawing. I’ve always preferred traditional media to digital and have used my years at university experimenting with new materials and combining one or more together. 

I’m influenced a lot by the theatre, especially set and prop making. I am also heavily influenced by music and lyrics. I love Listener, Florence and The Machine, Lana Del Rey, Fleetwood Mac but I listen to just about anything and everything.

Additionally I am influenced by the work of other artists particularly the artists of the Golden Age of Illustration; Kay Neilsen, Edmund Dulac and Arthur Rackham. I also like Czech art nouveau artist Alphonse Mucha and in more recent times I like James Jean, Elly MacKay, Lizzy Stewart, Elsa Mora and Gregory Euclide. Though I am being introduced to more and more artists almost every day.

This is my studio space. The work on the wall is mostly for this final major project, there are some personal pieces up there too and work from previous projects. Lower down in front of my desk there are reference photos, experiments and sketches to help my finished work; all of which you will see later in the blog. 

So that's me, peace out! 

The Journey begins...

What is the Presentation Document and why have I chosen to do an online blog? 

Today and yesterday I had my final launch ever at University. It was launching my Final Major Project which will take me from now until mid-May when I finish my third and last year.

Alongside practical work at the end of the 16 weeks we present a 'Presentation Document' which reflects on our process from beginning to end including references, experimental work, sketches, mock ups and inspiration. I initially thought about starting a separate blog for the project but I've decided to alter this one slightly and use it, now, as my 'diary' for this final project.

As over the past few years this blog has been much the same as what I will be posting during my final major I feel I can just fine-tune what I post to fit what is needed for this part of the assignment. It is also a culmination of all the work I have done while here at university, all the inspiration I've taken from other artists I've looked at in this blog and all work I've posted leading up until now; so it seems fitting to just carry on.
I also didn't want to start another account as it would be either posting double or stopping with this blog all together, and I still want to keep this Presentation Document as a blog as I feel my studio work will involve a lot of making. Having an ordered and simple way to document my progress will probably help me keep organised and moving forward. I don't want to get too hung up on making a book or written document that will detract from my time making in the studio.


For the next few months I have 3 things to keep juggling in connection to my course. They are;

- A self set practical studio project which is the culmination of 3 years of study. I have to produce a proposal of work, preliminary work and experiment practice and a final pieces/final pieces which will be the product of at least 13 weeks of work.
- A presentation Document (hello!) detailing progress and changes, thoughts and ideas, inspirations and influences throughout the next few months that goes alongside studio work.
- A Self Promotion project whereby I create a small 'send out' piece to various art directors, and create a Professional Portfolio.

Additionally to this, throughout the year our course do various fundraising activities and sales to raise money for our end of year degree show and to put on a show in London afterwards. So alongside work for the final major project and self promotion I will also be creating a doing various other things for sale/promotion for events. These pieces will probably tie in, to some degree, with the work I will be doing for the final major.

So here we go...


Contents for my Presentation Document blog to go alongside my Final Major Project.

The Journey Begins  - 31/1/2012
About Me - 31/1/2012
Reflection on last poject - 31/1/2012
Final Major Project proposal - 2/2/2012
Guest Speaker: John Hegley - 3/2/2012
Panic Mode: Having trouble getting started - 6/2/2012
Guest Speaker: Bruce Ingman - 10/2/2012
Generating Ideas - 12/2/2012
Research: Theatre in illustration - 13/2/2012
Research: Theatre sets and shows - 13/2/2012
Presentation Document tutorial - 14/2/2012
Further research and tutorial - 15/2/2012
Paper cut: quotes from book - 16/2/2012
Guest lecture: Carolyn Gowdy - 17/2/2012
Research: Alaska in the 20s - 18/2/2012
Northern Lights - 18/2/2012
Our Bargate Exhibition - 19/2/2012
Web Presence Tutorial - 20/2/2012
A trip to London - 22/2/2012
Paper Cut: Faina - 25/2/2012
Research: studio muti window display - 27/2/2012
Self Promotion work in progress - 27/2/2012
Guest Lecture: Laura Carlin - 2/3/2012
Paper creatures - 9/3/2012
Self Promotion: final piece - 14/3/2012
Johnny Toaster presents: pointless posters - 23/3/2012
New Images - 26/2/2012
Drawings - 30/2/2012
Life Drawing foxes - 5/4/2012
Brass Wire Modelling - 13/4/2012
Fox Sketches - 15/4/2012
Tutorial with Pete: first week back - 20/4/2012
Model of fox: creating the base - 6/5/2012
Model Fox: Adding body - 11/5/2012
Interior Illustrations development; shadows - 12/5/2012
The final hurdle - 17/5/2012
Summary - 17/5/2012
Biblography - post dated 18/5/2012