Whilst doing my last project I really enjoyed the last few weeks when everything came together after freaking out about how all 3 pieces would link or fit together. I ended up realising that the running theme in much of the work and in the literature was theatricality and, that, ultimately linked the illustrations together. I had a 'performance' idea for the Puss-In-Boots illustration where the cat performs a triple somersault and angle to image so the viewer was looking up. The light and shadows also made it look dramatic and theatrical. The mask idea I had for The Company of Wolves image was the first indication of making something that wasn't literal. I couldn't see how to make all 3 images link together; if they were all masks how would the other two stories that don't involve the idea of metamorphosis or disguise work, or what could the other images be that wouldn't be so distant to the Company of Wolves idea.
I pulled them together with the way of creating them; using lighting and shadow with photography and paper craft. I also used a mirror reflection for the Bloody Chamber image (shaped by a keyhole cut-out). And for the most part I was happy with the outcomes. I wish I had given myself more time to experiment a little with the photography and in hindsight with The Company of Wolves and Bloody Chamber images I could have benefited from help with photographing.
(All above images are my own)
(above image and model is my own)
But from the last project I found that I really enjoyed the creating of these 'stages' or set ups. I also really enjoyed the making side; especially the masks and what they did or could represent. I found the way of working brought out the meaning of and complimented the style of the text really well and I was pleased with that. I want to further this interest with my final major project.