Monday, 26 March 2012

New Images

I was thinking about my self promo project and what I would have done differently. I thought it would have been better to have made a wallet for the pop up rather than cover. This lead on to thinking about possible new images based around the actual project.

I came up with this idea, using the fox footprints as a container for other images of wildlife. I thought about different seasons, seeing one as more of an autumnal scene and the other as more of a spring scene. I chose deer and a hare as it seemed universal enough to not be specific to one area but were also animals from western countries such as America. The fox in the story represents the wildness and so I thought using the fox footprints were a good symbol of that. It also relates to tracking and hunting; finding footprints in the snow is a common feature in the story. 

My details I hand wrote and then cut out. I used a hand drawn type as I feel it relates better to my way of working traditionally.

This side project has brought out quite a few ideas for my final project. I would like to continue looking at the representation of the wilderness and the changing seasons and how they are used as metaphors in the story. I think I'll keep these pieces aside to look at possibly using them for self promotion after my project has come to an end. As the project is finished now I want to concentrate on my final major, of which this can be a part of. 

I printed off pictures of the northern lights again and placed them under the cut. I like the mix of colour behind the muted colour. 

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